About our Services
The goal in every meeting at Rocky Mountain Christian Ministries is to provide the best possible opportunity for people of all ages, backgrounds, and stages of life, to make a genuine connection with God the Father through Jesus Christ. For this reason we believe in meeting on weekends for corporate worship, prayer, study of God’s Word, and fellowship. These meetings are for everyone, but they are primarily designed to help Christians grow toward maturity in Christ. Our services are times when the family of God can gather around the dinner table, exalt the Lord, eat a good nutritious spiritual meal in God’s Word, and share the joys and challenges of being Christians in a friendly environment. Our weekend services provide Christians with the tools they need to live out biblical principles in their everyday lives throughout the week.
The Bible in our Services
At Rocky Mountain Christian Ministries we strongly emphasize the importance of God’s Word in the Christian Life. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, and that it should be the believer’s primary source of authority for faith, and practical Christian living. We do not view the Bible as a book of rules, but a book of life. We study the Bible because we love God and want to know Him better. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself to mankind, and that the Word of God, as revealed to the human heart by the Holy Spirit, has the power to change lives. Every believer is encouraged to prayerfully read, meditate, and study the Bible for themselves, and we strive to give them the tools to do it more effectively.

Worship in our Services
You will find that the Christians at Rocky Mountain Christian Ministries are passionate about developing a strong and dynamic worship life. Praise and worship is a time for celebrating our salvation, exalting God, and an intimate interaction between the believer and their Heavenly Father. The scriptures reveal that our God is a good and loving Father who desires intimacy with His children. A healthy and active worship life makes healthy and vital Christians. Worship is not an event, but a heart attitude, and a life-style. Our desire is to provide the best possible opportunity for believers to experience the life of Christ in worship each time we gather.
Prayer in Our Services
We believe that every Christian can have a free flowing and conversational relationship with Jesus Christ. Furthermore, as Christians, we have been invited to participate with God in His work on earth (1 Corinthians 1:9). One vital aspect of that participation is prayer. Through strategic intercession, led by the Holy Spirit, believers partner with God in the expansion of His kingdom on earth. We believe in both individual and corporate prayer. For this reason, believers are encouraged to cultivate an active and vital prayer life, develop a life-style of prayer and fasting and to participate in such activities as prayer walking and city wide prayer initiatives.

Fellowship in Our Services
We believe that strong Christian relationships make for strong Christian lives. Jesus established His church as a group of interconnected individuals. The Bible teaches that God Himself sets believers in the body where it pleases Him (1 Corinthians 12:18). The scripture also strongly emphasizes the idea that we grow when we stay planted in the house of God (Psalm 92:15, John 15). Part of the reason for this is that the life and the love of God actually flows into and out of our lives through these divinely ordained relationships.
As we interact with other believers, and work together to accomplish the Great Commission, we have opportunity after opportunity to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, or to walk in the flesh. We are challenged by one another, upheld in tough times by one another, and we find constant opportunity to love and forgive one another. All of this spells spiritual growth.
Furthermore, we believe that local churches have specific callings that are accomplished not so much by professional ministers, but as believers, set in place by God, express their various gifts in harmony with one another. And finally, we believe that we should all have a few close and trusted friends in our lives that will hold us accountable for our actions. This provides safety for us, and protects our witness.
For all of these reasons, we encourage believers to actively build strong Christian friendships into their lives. We provide opportunities for you to meet and get to know other believers at every service.